Natural Healing Gems


Gemstone healing is a term used for the natural healing energy that bonds with our energy, and helps us heal. This natural energy has been known to benefit us physically, emotionally and spiritually, for many centuries.

Please be advised that using gemstones toward natural healing is not a medical prescription and is in no way meant to replace your current medical treatment plan.


White Crackle Agate

Keywords: Grounding, Stabilizing, Harmony, Hope, Encouragement, Courage, Confidence

White Crackle Agate is a "Stone of Hope." This is a grounding stone that brings protection and is known to attract good luck and fortune. It increases positive energy and enhances feelings of love, hope, harmony and courage. This gemstone strengthens emotional stability, insuring self confidence and enthusiasm. White Crackle Agate's harmonizing attributes encourage you to "let go" of negative energy and allows acceptance of your emotions. These gems promote personal security as they aid in overcoming stress and anxiety. This enlightening gemstone strengthens your body and your connection to the earth. White Crackle Agate is an excellent stone for improving relationships, it inspires fidelity. 

Black Crackle Agate is a "Stone of Victory." This enticing gemstone supports, inspires, and motivates you toward accomplishing personal triumph. A grounding gemstone that brings protection from negative energy and encourages you to make good use of mental talent and physical ability. It eliminates fear and doubt while instilling courage and strength of will. Black Crackle Agate strengthens emotional stability and encourages self confidence. It attracts good fortune and aids in your ability to concentrate.


Crackle Agate Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Harmony, Emotional Courage, Stability, Security, Protection, Fidelity, Eliminates Fear, Self Doubt, Inspiration, and Encouragement. 

Crackle Agate Mental Healing (Keywords)

Concentration, Mental Agility, Motivation, Reaching Goals, Triumph, Will Power, and Self Esteem.

Crackle Agate Physical Healing (Keywords)

Childbirth, Eyesight, Hair Skin and Nails, Hearing, Heart Trouble, Poisoning, Reproductive Organs, Digestion, Stomach, and Blood Vessels.

Crackle Agate - "Stone of Hope"

Chakra - All



Blue Chalcedony

Keywords: Benevolence, Generosity, Balance, Harmony, Good-Will, Flexibility. 

Chalcedony absorbs negativity and dissipates it, allowing you to feel the warmth of inner-stability and self-assurance.

Chalcedony is a "Stone of Generosity." It protects against negative influences, increases energy and promotes emotional balance. This generous gemstone comes in many different colors including white, blue, gray, green, yellow, red, brown, pink, purple, and black. Each color encourages healing on a different level.

Chalcedony wards off feelings of hostility and sadness, boosting confidence and enthusiasm. It balances the mind, body, and emotions. Blue Chalcedony adds creativity to the benefits. It encourages harmony, enthusiasm and good-will. This is a nurturing stone that absorbs negativity and promotes emotional harmony. It stimulates feelings of benevolence and generosity.

Blue Chalcedony enhances mental flexibility, and verbal dexterity. It boosts listening and communication skills, enhances self-perception, and improves memory.  This is a "must have" gemstone when learning a new language.

Chalcedony enhances the immune system. It aids in regeneration of mucus membranes, and banishes edema. It heals the lungs and clears the effects of smoking. This powerful healer assists those who lack maternal instincts, and lessens the effects of dementia and senility.

Types of Chalcedony: PinkYellowWhite, Chrysoprase, Onyx

Chalcedony Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Uplifts, Harmony, Emotional Balance, Understanding, Enthusiasm, Protects Against Negative Energy, Confidence, Self-Respect, Self Esteem, Self Reliance.

Chalcedony Mental Healing (Keywords)

Learning, Retention, Memory, Clear Communication, Listening, Self-Perception.

Chalcedony Physical Healing (Keywords)

Immune System, Anti-Inflammatory, Glaucoma, Dementia, Fever, High Blood Pressure, Lungs, Respiratory System.

Blue Chalcedony - "Stone of Generosity"

Chakra - Sacral, Solar Plexus, Throat

Zodiac - Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius



Blue Lace Agate

Keywords: Peace, Calm, Trust, Loyalty, Enlightenment, Communication

Blue Lace Agate is a "Stone of Loyalty." This soft flowing gemstone brings comfort to the soul, and peace to the mind. It is one of the most nurturing and supportive gemstones you can have.

Blue Lace Agate has a soft, soothing elegance; like sky-blue waters released from winter's grasp. Its graceful, circular design has a stimulating, positive effect on emotions and attitude. It is not a stone of protection, but rather of encouragement and support. Its circular flowing energy calms, uplifts and elevates. [Mella, 70] Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986).

Blue Lace Agate activates and opens the Throat Chakra, acknowledging and allowing for self-expression of repressed emotions. Feelings of being judged or rejected are gently brought to the surface and released. Blocked emotions become stagnant and cause feelings of suffocation, Blue Lace Agate clears the throat chakra and encourages calm, honest, non-judgmental communicationInviting you to stay loyal to yourself. 

Wear Blue Lace Agate to enhance peace, truth, and communication. It releases shoulder and neck tension, treats brain imbalances, and can be used to enhance hearing.

"Blue Lace Agate can also be used to enhance sound healing--it focuses and directs sound to the appropriate place." [Hall, 39] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).

Blue Lace Agate Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Communication, Exposes Truth, Harmony, and Balances Yin-Yang Energies.

Blue Lace Agate Mental Healing (Keywords)

Brain Imbalances, Calms Overactive Thinking, Improves Concentration, Perception, and Analytical Abilities.

Blue Lace Agate Physical Healing (Keywords)

Fever, Inflammation, Tension, Thyroid Deficiencies, Throat, Lymph Nodes, Infections, Arthritis, Gastritis, Bone Deformity, Fractures, Pancreas, Blood Pressure, Headaches, Epilepsy, and Uterus.

Blue Lace Agate - "Stone of Loyalty"

Chakra - Throat

Zodiac - Pisces


Ocean Jasper 

Keywords: Peace, Tranquility, Comfort, Joy, Self-Worth, Patience, Letting-go, Renewal.

Ocean Jasper lifts your spirits and encourages feelings of  joy and happiness. It enhances personal strength, self-esteem, self-worth, and assists in accepting responsibilities. 

Ocean Jasper is a "Stone of Emotional Peace." This orbicular jasper promotes peace and patience, it relieves tension and stress. This gemstone gently calms emotions and guides the body in taking deep, even breaths. These unique gemstones carry the rhythm of gentle power and spiritual presents, just like the ocean. They help one gain strength and generate promises of renewal with a slow and steady energetic vibration. Ocean Jasper opens the heart and reminds one to be accepting of the cycles of life. It eases physical discomfort and alleviates anxiety and depression.

As it activates your Base Chakra, Ocean Jasper prepares you to appreciate the feeling of being grounded, safe, and connected to the Earth. Just like a walk on the beach, this deeply evolving gemstone slowly begins working it's way up through your body, cleansing your aura and realigning your whole chakra system

Ocean Jasper comes in a variety of colors including green, brown, white, black, pink, yellow, blue, and gray. They have all sorts of patterns and bands of colors. Many have circles ( often called "Orbicular Jasper" ) and some even have druzy quartz in them which makes them sparkle inside. 

Black Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Balance, Harmony, Comfort, Uplifting, Emotional Strength, New Beginnings, Alleviates Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Brings joy, Appreciation, Love, Relaxation.

Ocean Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Insight, Focus, Centering, Meditation, Moving On, Inspiration, Creativity, Unity, Adaptability, Knowledge, Spiritual Wisdom, Record Keeper, Reduces Negative Thoughts.

Ocean Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Fertility, PMS, Anxiety, Stress, Digestion, Removing Toxins, Detox, Body Odor.

Ocean Jasper- "Stone of Emotional Peace"

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio


Yellow Aventurine

Yellow Aventurine is a "Stone of Optimism." This gemstone reinforces logic and rational thinking. It enhances optimism, joy, happiness, and alleviates stress. It aligns the Sacral Chakra so that you feel centered and compassionate. Yellow Aventurine helps build strength through self reflection, it encourages leadership abilities and intellectual decisions. This gemstone is exceptionally useful for business and finance.

Yellow Aventurine helps remove toxins from the body. It enhances circulation and encourages energy to flow through us continually. This gemstone is an anti-inflammatory. It eases migraines, sinus infections and allergies.

Also beneficial for:

Detox, Blood Circulation, Inflammation, Pancreas, Liver, Digestion,  Metabolism, Stomach Issues, Migraines, Sinus, Skin.

Yellow Aventurine - "Stone of Optimism"

ChakraSolar Plexus; Sacral

Zodiac - Aries


Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz is a "Stone of Good Luck." This generous gemstone has a fairly strong vibration that attracts good luck and guides one toward the awareness of golden opportunities. It heightens focus and amplifies structured thinking. This is a stone that amplifies optimism while allowing you to see and think clearly. Lemon Quartz is the perfect gemstone for anyone who is going on job interviews, or taking exams.

Lemon Quartz can help ease food and nicotine cravings, by increasing the metabolism. It encourages the body to recover quickly from illnesses and surgeries. It is useful for detox and improving circulation. This gem is beneficial for those with Diabetes, stomach issues and skin infections.

Also beneficial for:

Metabolism, Brain, Diabetes, Circulation, Detox, Recovery.

Lemon Quartz - "Stone of Good Luck"

Chakra - Solar Plexus; Third eye; Crown

Zodiac - Gemini



Selenite is a "Stone of Protection and Higher Consciousness." This highly spiritual crystal enhances mental clarity and lifts you into higher consciousness. It assists in judgement and insight. A calming stone that instills peace and understanding. It clears confusion and allows one to see the "bigger picture." This gem prevents external influences and brings an understanding of what has been occurring on a subconscious level. This crystal is perfect for calming erratic emotions. Selenite breaks up and removes negative energy. It soothes emotions and enhances  tranquility. When used during meditation, telepathy is greatly enhanced. 

Selenite can reverse the effects of "free radicals" and help repair cells. It can be useful for problems with mercury dental fillings, stress relief and breastfeeding. 

Also beneficial for:

Bones, Shoulders, Epilepsy, Seizures, PMS, Psoriasis, Spine, Insomnia, Backache, Infection.

Selenite - "Stone of Protection and Higher Consciousness"

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac: Taurus


Black Banded Agate

Black Banded Agate is a 'Stone of Quiet Victory.' It brings prosperity, protection, victory and courage. This is a calming stone that gives inner-strength and self-reflection. Black Banded Agate helps to remove conflict and maintain well-being. It boosts self control, resilience, quiet power and survival. 

Also beneficial for:

Bones, Joints, Physical Pain, Balance, Memory, Detox, Fertility, Skin, Circulation, Nervous System

Black Banded Agate - "Stone of Quiet Victory"

Chakra - Root

Zodiac - Capricorn


Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is a "Stone of The Mind." This is a stone of abundance, creativity, sexuality and innovation. It heightens insight and mental discernment, allowing for optimism and joy. This is a powerful gem that encourages personal motivation and drives you into action. Orange Calcite increases memory and learning abilities, making it the perfect stone for students. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse your aura. This gem is known to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality. It increases sexual energy and playfulness, helping you to feel lighthearted and confident.

Also beneficial for:

Kidneys, Urinary Tract, Detox, Stomach issues, Fatigue, Gallbladder, Ears, Immune System, Intestines, Reproductive system, Skin, Tissue Regeneration.

Orange Calcite "Stone of The Mind"

Chakra - Sacral, Solar Plexus

Zodiac - Cancer, Leo



Keywords: Truth, Wisdom, Karma, Insight, Self Respect, Resolution, Awareness.

Carry or wear Rhyolite to naturally nurture emotions during difficult situations. It facilitates Inner-strength, promotes positive self esteem, and boosts self respect. This gemstone increases insight into the truth of lingering situations.

Rhyolite is a "Stone of Karmic Wisdom." This spirited gemstone ignites potential and creativity within the soul. This is a stone of introspection, inner-strength, soul strengthening and self exploration. Rhyolite processes past situations and integrates them in the present moment. It allows for "lessons" and resolutions. it brings awareness to ones own abilities, and encourages you to "let go" and move forward.

Rhyolite Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Nurturing, Calming, Strength, Soul Work, Honesty, Releases Emotional Baggage, Self Esteem, Self Worth, Confidence.

Rhyolite Mental Healing (Keywords)

Introspection, Reflection, Creativity, Exploration, Insight, Wisdom, Problem Solving, Resolutions, Awareness.

Rhyolite Physical Healing (Keywords)

Rash, Skin Disorders, Infections, Immune System, Absorption of Vitamin B, Kidney Stones, Muscle Tone.

Rhyolite - "Stone of Karmic Wisdom"

Chakras: Crown, Third eye

Zodiac: Sagittarius



Keywords: Courage, Protection, Self-Healing, Peace, Trust, Altruism, and Wisdom.

Amber is a potent protector and healer.

Amber is a "Stone of Courage and Protection." This powerful, yet gentle grounding stone draws out negative energy and blockages. It transforms this energy into positive forces that allow the body to heal itself. Amber purifies the Chakras, as well as the surrounding environment.

This gemstone is perfect for eliminating fear, stress, and depression. Amber stimulates creativity and encourages an optimistic outlook. It promotes emotional stability and clears negative thoughts. This is an ancient gem that provides courage and protection. It empowers you with motivation toward achieving goals. 

Amber is a natural purifier, esteemed for its ability to draw pain and dis-ease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit, by absorbing negative or stagnant energies and transforming them into clear, positive energy. This stimulates the body’s own mechanisms to heal itself. It increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration. Amber is ideal for cleansing and reactivating the chakras, particularly the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, and is an excellent tool for clearing the environment in which it rests. It emits a bright, soothing energy conducive to health and well-being, and is marvelous for convalescence, ameliorating depression, or working through the grieving process. Amber also provides a protective shield against negative energies and may be called upon to remove toxicity from one’s life or relationships. [Melody, 107-108] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995). [Hall, 26] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003). [Ahsian, 24] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). [Raphaell, 136-137] Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)

Amber Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Clears Negative Thinking, Promotes Positivity, Optimism, Harmony, Self-Expression, Confidence, Alleviates Depression, Stress, Fear, Doubt, and Worry.

Amber Mental Healing (Keywords)

Memory, Learning, Dissolves Opposition, Integration, Decision-Making, Clarity, Builds Patience and Understanding, Wisdom, and Creativity.

Amber Physical Healing (Keywords)

Detox, Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, Bladder, Stomach, Laryngitis, Goiter, Physical Pain, Headaches, Throat, Gallbladder, Strengthens Mucus Membranes, and Heals Wounds. 

Amber Agate - "Stone of Courage and Protection."

Chakra - Solar Plexus, Sacral

Zodiac - Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius


Moss Agate

Keywords: Strength, Courage, Abundance, Wealth, New Beginnings, Optimism, Creativity, Communication

Moss Agate has a slow, steady, and consistent energetic vibration. This gem should be carried or worn for at least two consecutive weeks.

Moss Agate is a "Stone of Strength, Courage and Abundance." This stabilizing gemstone brings harmony as it gently connects you with nature. It refreshes and strengthens your soul from the core. Moss Agate gemstones encourage you to release negative energy and blockages from the past, allowing space and providing courage toward new beginnings.

Moss Agate restores positive personality traits. This highly optimistic gemstone improves creativity, self expression, and communication. It inspires one to see the beauty that lies within as it restores trust and hope. If there is something that you continuously ponder, Moss Agate can bring insight to reason.

This "Stone of Wealth and Abundance" attracts new friendships, new lovers and new circumstances. As it heightens your level of wellbeing, It attracts positive opportunities for gaining things of value. Moss Agate can be used for accumulating new business or the expansion of an existing business. It is extremely useful for strengthening the body, and is often used for body building, athletics, and fitness training.

Moss Agate helps channel intuition and assists in using it in a practical way. It enhances mental concentration, persistence and endurance.

Moss Agate Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Stability, Self-esteem, Trust, Hope, Harmony, Empowerment, Attraction, Relationships, and Self-Expression

Moss Agate Mental Healing (Keywords)

Intuition, Concentration, Persistence, Endurance, Insight, Balance, and Creative Expression

Moss Agate Physical Healing (Keywords)

Inflammation, Infections, Swelling, Colds, Flu, Fever, Digestion, Immune System, Recovery, Dehydration, Hypoglycemia, Circulation, Heart Conditions, Irregular Heartbeat, Gastritis, Epilepsy, Anti-inflammatory, Dehydration, Fungal and Skin Infections.

Moss Agate - "Stone of  Strength, Courage and Abundance"

Chakra -  Root, Heart

Zodiac - Virgo



Kunzite is a "Stone of Infinite Love," and is considered a "Celestial Doorway." A gorgeous pink to purple gem that has a heavenly vibration of infinite love. This is a spiritual stone that helps the soul find enlightenment. It delves into an eternity of love, through disregarded illusion. This is a stone of the heart and mind, it bridges a connection between the two and encourages one to let their guard down so they can experience love’s purest form. Kunzite healing comforts the heart and alleviates emotional distress. It calls us back to love and promotes free expression of feelings. It helps us become more receptive to infinite love, it restores innocence and trust.

Kunzite attracts many blessings of prosperity and good luck. It symbolizes pure innocence and opens the heart space for divine love. Wear Kunzite to radiate peace, remove mental obstacles during meditation, ease tension, enhance positive self-expression, and unblock emotional pain from past heartaches.  

Also beneficial for:

Strengthening heart muscles, lungs, circulation, nervous system, Immune system, and ease joint pain. Beneficial for treating migraines and heals the reproductive system. Excellent for those with Epilepsy, psychiatric disorders and depression.

Kunzite - "Stone of Infinite Love"

Chakras - Heart, Crown, Third eye

Zodiac - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Libra, Capricorn



Keywords: Benevolence, Generosity, Balance, Harmony, Good-Will, Flexibility. 

Chalcedony absorbs negativity and dissipates it, allowing you to feel the warmth of inner-stability and self-assurance.

Chalcedony is a "Stone of Generosity." It protects against negative influences, increases energy and promotes emotional balance. This generous gemstone comes in many different colors including white, blue, gray, green, yellow, red, brown, pink, purple, and black. Each color encourages healing on a different level.

Chalcedony wards off feelings of hostility and sadness, boosting confidence and enthusiasm. It balances the mind, body, and emotions. Blue Chalcedony adds creativity to the benefits. It encourages harmony, enthusiasm and good-will. This is a nurturing stone that absorbs negativity and promotes emotional harmony. It stimulates feelings of benevolence and generosity.

Blue Chalcedony enhances mental flexibility, and verbal dexterity. It boosts listening and communication skills, enhances self-perception, and improves memory.  This is a "must have" gemstone when learning a new language.

Chalcedony enhances the immune system. It aids in regeneration of mucus membranes, and banishes edema. It heals the lungs and clears the effects of smoking. This powerful healer assists those who lack maternal instincts, and lessens the effects of dementia and senility.

Types of Chalcedony: PinkYellowWhite, Chrysoprase, Onyx

Chalcedony Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Uplifts, Harmony, Emotional Balance, Understanding, Enthusiasm, Protects Against Negative Energy, Confidence, Self-Respect, Self Esteem, Self Reliance.

Chalcedony Mental Healing (Keywords)

Learning, Retention, Memory, Clear Communication, Listening, Self-Perception.

Chalcedony Physical Healing (Keywords)

Immune System, Anti-Inflammatory, Glaucoma, Dementia, Fever, High Blood Pressure, Lungs, Respiratory System.

Chalcedony - "Stone of Good-Will"

Chakra - Sacral, Solar Plexus

Zodiac - Sagittarius, Aquarius, Cancer, Virgo



Keywords: Harmony, Balance, Protection, Grounding, Learning, Concentration.

Wear this gemstone to restore peace and harmony to the body. It boosts self esteem, enhances willpower, and removes self-limitations.

Hematite is a "Stone of The Mind." This is an effective grounding and protecting stone that harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit. It stimulates concentration and focus, and enhances memory and original thought. Hematite stimulates higher learning abilities, especially in mathematics and technology.

This stone is useful for overcoming compulsions, addictions, and overindulgence. It brings support and strength to timid women. 

Hematite gemstone is extremely beneficial for blood conditions. It strengthens and restores the blood supply. It aids proper circulation and regenerates tissue.

Hematite Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Peace, Yin-Yang, Emotional Harmony, Self-Esteem, Will-Power, Encouragement, Support.

Hematite Mental Healing (Keywords)

Focus, Knowledge, Learning, Memory Retention, Concentration, Originality, Awareness.

Hematite Physical Healing (Keywords)

Reynaud's Disease, Anemia, Circulation, Red Blood Cells, Leg Cramps, Anxiety, Insomnia, Spinal Alignment, Fractures, Fevers. 

Hematite - "Stone of The Mind"

Chakra - Root

Zodiac - Aries, Aquarius



Keywords: Love, Manifestation, Peace, Protection, Meditation, Faith, Creativity.

Carry or wear Prehnite to stay connected with universal energy. This lovely gem teaches you how to live in harmony with nature, it brings peace, tranquility, and protection to the environment. 

Prehnite is a "Stone of Unconditional Love and Manifestation." This insightful gemstone vibrates with love, manifestation, and spiritual growth.

Prehnite is known to "heal the healer." It induces deep meditation and elevates consciousness. This serene gemstone aligns your heart with your will, it generously assists in living life from a heart-based perspective. Prehnite greatly enhances precognition and prophecy, allowing you to be prepared for what lies ahead. This gemstone enables inner knowledge, creative vision, and restores universal faith in divine manifestation. 

Prehnite provides the energy you need for organization and de-cluttering. It encourages one to let go of possessions that no longer serve them. It has exceptional benefits for people who hoard things, including love. This is an excellent gemstone for children as well, it alleviates nightmares, night-terrors, phobia's, and hyperactivity. 

Prehnite Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Peace, Joy, Acceptance, Protection, Prepared, Love, Confidence, Inner-Knowing.

Prehnite Mental Healing (Keywords)

Intuition, Knowledge, Creative Vision, Manifest, Letting Go, Communication, Self Control.

Prehnite Physical Healing (Keywords)

Nightmares, Phobias, Causes of Dis-ease, ADHD, ADD, Hyperactivity, Karma, Kidneys, Bladder, Thymus Gland, Shoulder Pain, Chest Pain, Lung Conditions, Gout, Blood Disorders, Tissue Repair, Malignancy.

Prehnite - "Stone of Unconditional Love & Manifestation"

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart

Zodiac: Libra


Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz is a "Stone of Inner-Strength.'" It vibrates a smooth and subtle energy that is highly effective. This enticing crystal instills inner strength through understanding, acceptance, and growth. Tangerine Quartz encourages forgiveness and release of past conditioning. It allows you to put the past behind you in order to move forward in life. It provides balance to the Sacral Chakra and stimulates creativity. This gemstone gently raises your vibration and protects against chaos and confusion. Use Tangerine Quartz to release stress and tension. This gem aids in recovery from emotional overload and psychic attacks.

Also beneficial for:

Infertility, Reproductive System, Intestines, Assimilation of vitamins and Iron, Immune System, Nerves, Anxiety, Exhaustion.

Tangerine Quartz - "Stone of Inner-Strength"

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Base

Zodiac: Leo, Libra


Green Banded Serpentine

Keywords: Kundalini, Meditation, Protection, Enlightenment, Insight, Shadow Work.

Serpentine is a "Stone of  Kundalini." This is one of the safest gemstones that you can use toward activating Kundalini energy. This slick gemstone vibrates energy that pinpoints and clears blockages through all seven ChakrasKundalini Activation is a form of "Enlightenment" and can have several side effects, please inform yourself before using this stone for that purpose.

If you wish to help others heal, then the vibrations of this stone will aid in the process. It assists in gaining wisdom from past experiences, and enhances memory. Serpentine corrects mental and emotional imbalances to help you feel more in control of your life.

Serpentine stimulates and opens psychic abilities, encouraging a connection with elemental beings. 

Serpentine Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Balance, Harmony, Understanding, Enlightenment,

Serpentine Mental Healing (Keywords)

Wisdom, Memory, Insight, Learning, Comprehension.

Serpentine Physical Healing (Keywords)

Cardiac Irregularities (Heart), Stomach, Detox, Digestion, Kidney Disorders, Menstrual Cramps, Mood Swings, Lactation, Hormone Imbalances, Fatigue, Constipation, Sexual Enhancement, Pleasure, Lungs, Cell Regeneration, Diabetes, Magnesium and Calcium Absorption. 

Serpentine - "Stone of Kundalini Activation"

Chakra - Solar Plexus

Zodiac - Scorpio


Yellow Banded Agate

Keywords: Success, Contentment, Self-Esteem, Willpower, and Altruism.

This gemstone has a slow and gentle vibration, with long lasting impacts. 

Yellow Agate is a "Stone of Success." This brilliant gemstone attracts peace, prosperity, feelings of joy, and fulfillment. It gradually increases willpower, motivation, self-esteem, and altruism. Yellow Agate encourages you to reach for your goals with a positive and optimistic outlook. 

Yellow Agate encourages good manners, kindness and generosity. It enhances positive personality traits and enables the ability to learn from past mistakes. This is an uplifting gemstone that prepares you openly receive the level of success that you deserve.

Yellow Agate helps children overcome fears. It soothes, comforts, and supports them with a positive outlook. This gemstone is excellent for bonding and developing healthy relationships. 

Yellow Agate Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Calms Fears, Brings Peace and Hope, Soothing, Encouraging, Joy, Happiness, and Optimism.

Yellow Agate Mental Healing (Keywords)

Memory, Logic, Concentration, Willpower, Problem Solving, Clarity, and Creativity.

Yellow Agate Physical Healing (Keywords)

Stomach issues, Indigestion, Digestion, Infections, Liver, Pancreas, Psoriasis, Radiation, Urinary Tract, Metabolism, and Eczema.

Yellow Agate - Stone of Success

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo



Aragonite is a "Stone of Patience." This earth-healing gemstone, encourages patience and acceptance. It deepens your connection with the earth and encourages discipline, reliability, concentration, and tolerance.

Aragonite promotes conservation and recycling, and transforms geopathic stress. This grounding and stabilizing stone is extremely beneficial to wear during stressful times. It helps one develop a pragmatic approach to life. Aragonite helps you feel comfortable and balanced. It relieves tension and combats anger.

Also beneficial for:

Reynaud's Disease, Chills, Bones, Calcium Absorption, Restores elasticity to discs, Muscle Spasms, Immune System. 

Aragonite - "Stone of Patience"

Chakra: Root / Base, Crown, Sacral

Zodiac: Capricorn



Keywords: Courage, Communication, Love, Creativity, Awareness, Intuition, Spirituality.

This gemstone has a calm energy vibration that enhances clarity in thought, reduces stress, and quiets the mind. The energy from Aquamarine provides space for spiritual growth, it has an affinity with sensitive people.

Aquamarine is a "Stone of Courage," This enticing crystal harmonizes the soul with it's dreams and desires. It protects against pollutants and counteracts against forces of darkness. This courageous gemstone alleviates the need to judge and be judged. It eases tension and feelings of being overwhelmed with responsibilities, while encouraging an upright, persistent, and dynamic personality. Aquamarine encourages self love, self care, creativity, and vision.

Aquamarine calms fears, sharpens the intellect, and clears up confusion and dis-order. It has an energetic vibration that promotes bringing unfinished business to a conclusion. If you are planning something great and need a boost of encouragement, Aquamarine will support you in taking the next step.

Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. [Simmons, 49] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).

This is an amazing gemstone for meditation. It sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. You are likely to reach higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness, with Aquamarine.

Aquamarine Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Love, Compassion, Understanding, Courage, Communication, Calms Anger and Fear, Releases Emotional Baggage, Soothing.

Aquamarine Mental Healing (Keywords)

Empowerment, Forgiveness, Reflection, Boundaries, Clears Confusion, Intuition, Awareness

Aquamarine Physical Healing (Keywords)

Digestive system, Eyes, Teeth, S

Aquamarine - "Stone of Courage"

Chakra: Throat

Zodiac: Pisces, Aquarius



Keywords: Integrity, Courage, Communication, Prosperity, Opportunity, Business

Amazonite has a soothing vibration that dispels aggravation and resolves inner conflict.

Amazonite is a "Stone of Integrity." This empowering gemstone encourages you to search for your own truths, in order to develop a sense of integrity. It strengthens your ability to set boundaries with others and instills courage for standing up for what you believe in. Amazonite is a soothing gemstone that alleviates feelings of worry, fear, and doubt. It filters information received in the brain and combines it with intuition, allowing freedom of expression.

This is an extremely soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aligns the physical body with the etheric, maintaining optimal health. It balances the masculine and feminine energies and many aspects of the personality. [Hall, 50] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).

Amazonite rejuvenates the heart and throat Chakras. This is a stone of emotional courage, harmony, and balance. It broadens your perspective and allows you to see both sides of any situation. This is an excellent gemstone for those who have gone through any sort of emotional trauma. It aids in overcoming loneliness, brings equality to partnerships, and allows for open and honest communication. 

Amazonite is a "Stone of Prosperity". In business, it attracts new customers and assists one in being in the right place at the right time, being open for opportunities.

Amazonite Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Soothing, Calming, Emotional Balance, Courage, Confidence, Alleviates fear, worry, and doubt. 

Amazonite Mental Healing (Keywords)

Empowering, Encouraging, Intuition, Communication, Clarity, Expression.

Amazonite Physical Healing (Keywords)

Osteoporosis, Tooth Decay, Calcium Deficiency, Metabolism, Muscle Spasms, Protection from Electromagnetic Smog and Pollution, Absorbs Microwave and cell phone emanations.

Amazonite- 'Stone of Integrity'

Chakras: HeartThroat

Zodiac: Virgo


Pink Zebra Jasper

Zebra Jasper is a motivational stone that uplifts your spirit. It initiates optimism and vision toward reaching realistic goals. This is a calming, grounding gemstone that eases tension during difficult situations. 

Zebra Jasper is a grounding stone that stimulates the Root Chakra. It brings scattered energy together, creates vision, and facilitates direction toward reaching goals. This gemstone brings joy and light into it's surroundings. It promotes feelings of joy, optimism, balance, and contentment. It wards off negative energy and brings resolution to unseen issues.

Pink Zebra Jasper opens the gate for optimistic thinking, motivates spiritual growth, and encourages you to feel content with life. This is a nurturing gemstone. It harmonizes your aura through balance, care, and encouragement for growth. It supports your spiritual development and provides calming and tranquil energy for the environment. Through gentle support and elevated feelings of joy, Pink Zebra Jasper improves your quality of life and promotes compassion and relaxation. This stable stone helps overcome depression and anxiety. It brings balance to your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Zebra Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Emotional Harmony, Peace, Optimism, Joy, Self-Esteem, Confidence, Calms Anxiety, Tension, Stress, Depression, Relationships, Balance, Contentment. 

Zebra Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Setting Goals, Vision, Problem Solving, Decision-Making, Discernment, Clarity, Acceptance.

Zebra Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Bladder, Kidneys, Vitamin Absorption, Muscle Spasms, Skin, Bones, Teeth

Pink Zebra Jasper - "Stone of Contentment"

Zodiac: Libra, Virgo, Gemini, Taurus

Chakras: All