Natural Healing Gems

  • Gem-Scriptions
  • Gemstone Remedy for Faith with Amazonite, Blue Quartz, and White Agate

Gemstone Remedy for Faith with Amazonite, Blue Quartz, and White Agate

gemstones for faith
crystals for faith
natural tumbled gemstones for healing

Gemstone Remedy for Faith with Amazonite, Blue Quartz, and White Agate


Restore faith and have confidence in that which is unseen, with these healing gemstones. This gemstone remedy includes Amazonite, Blue Quartz, and White Agate. When you struggle with a lack of faith, hold these gemstones in your hand and sit quietly for 3-5 minutes. The energy from these tumbled gemstones provide clarity, truth, trust, and acceptance. Amazonite alleviates worry and enhances communication. Blue Quartz brings peace and spiritual growth, it gives guidance through enlightenment. White Agate purifies and rebalances, it strengthens faith and hope. Live with conviction that good things are coming your way, and that what you hope for will become established with these gemstones for faith.

  • (3) Natural tumbled gemstones

  • Information card

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Restore faith and have confidence in that which is unseen, with these healing gemstones. This gemstone remedy includes Amazonite, Blue Quartz, and White Agate. When you struggle with a lack of faith, hold these gemstones in your hand and sit quietly for 3-5 minutes. The energy from these tumbled gemstones provide clarity, truth, trust, and acceptance. Amazonite alleviates worry and enhances communication. Blue Quartz brings peace and spiritual growth, it gives guidance through enlightenment. White Agate purifies and rebalances, it strengthens faith and hope. Live with conviction that good things are coming your way, and that what you hope for will become established with these gemstones for faith.

  • (3) Natural tumbled gemstones

  • Information card



Stone of Integrity

Chakras: HeartThroat

This empowering gemstone guides you toward discovering personal truths. It enhances loving communication and assists in manifesting universal love. Amazonite alleviates tension and gently calms feelings of fear, self-doubt, and worry. This natural gemstone instills freedom of expression and strengthens ones ability to set boundaries with others. By filtering information in the brain and combining it with intuition and vision, this awe-inspiring gemstone opens the portal for universal love and personal manifestation. 

Amazonite rejuvenates the Heart chakra and Throat chakra. This is a stone of emotional courage, harmony, and balance. It broadens perspectives and allows you to see both sides of any situation. Amazonite brings peace to the brain and nervous system.

Amazonite attracts new customers in business, and assists in being in the right place at the right time. This is a Stone of Prosperity.

This is an excellent gemstone for those who have gone through any sort of emotional trauma. It has a soothing vibration that dispels aggravation and resolves inner conflict. It aids in overcoming loneliness, brings equality to partnerships, and allows for open and honest communication. 

Amazonite is associated with ZODIAC SIGN:  Virgo


Stone of Order, Inspiration, and Communication

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Blue Quartz is also known as Dumortierite, or Blue Quartzite. This is a Stone of Peace, Inspiration, Self-Discipline, and Communication. They gently bring us back to our senses. These uplifting gemstones provide a calm and soothing vibration which encourages peace, mental clarity, understanding, and self-expression. Blue Quartz lifts negative thoughts and depressive tendency, allowing for positive energy to be your guide. These natural healing gems release fear and promote courage. Use Blue Quartz to boost creativity, increase inner vision, promote organization, and increase orderliness.

Blue Quartz is associated with Zodiac Signs: Libra and Taurus

Blue Quartz Metaphysical Benefits:

Fever, Sore Throat, Thyroid, Detox, Overstimulation, Hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, Spleen, Diabetes, Metabolism, Skin Conditions, Heart Conditions, Lung Disorders, Eyes, Boost Immune System, and for Weight-Loss.


Stone of Balance and Release

Crown Chakra

White Agate brings harmony to yin and yang energies, this gemstone encourages balance between feminine and masculine energy. It is a stone of peace and serenity, it helps release constricting mind frames as well as toxins from the immune system. White agate builds confidence and improves your ability to focus, it relieves frustration and anxiety. This is a stone of intuition, inner-knowing, and emotional stability.

Agate gemstones are slow, steady, strong, and consistent. These gems bring stability into your life that insures a sense of being grounded and well balanced. Agate harmonizes yin/yang energies, (the positive and negative, the male and female, the inner and outer), by promoting wholeness, inner-strength, self-acceptance, and confidence. They encourage self analysis and open communication. These natural healing gemstones boost mental abilities such as perception, memory recall, analytics, and concentration. Agate brings to light practical solutions and aids in creative endeavors through quiet contemplation and spiritual growth. These self-enhancing gemstones aid in the ability to overcome insecurity, anger, fear, and negativity. Agate inspires peace, love, self-assurance, and courage for new beginnings.

Agate is associated with ALL ZODIAC SIGNS.

Agate Metaphysical Benefits:

Lactation, Pregnancy, ADD, ADHD, Digestion, Gastritis, Eye Sight, Stomach Issues, Uterus, Intestines, Skin Disorders, Heart Conditions, Epilepsy, Fevers, Colds, and Sleepwalking.


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