Natural Healing Gems

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Why Am I Building This Website?

I have been working non-stop. My mind on a constant treadmill of discovery. Constant questioning, searching, learning. I wake up every single morning between the hours of 3:00 a.m and 4:30 a.m. no matter the day or occasion. Straight to the computer, ready to dive in. I work like this until my little guy wakes up or I have to take the children to school. I take care of my parental responsibilities and then some, the next morning I start all over again. Why? Why am I building this website? What could possibly be the cause of this self motivating cycle? Here is my story.... came into existence through my everlasting  attraction to gemstones. Ever since I was a little girl, I collected beautiful stones and often kept one in my pocket. In fact, I remember finding one on a field trip that the teacher took from me and kept for herself. I was extremely disappointed, however this event planted a seed for me. As a child, I had no idea how vast and amazing these natural healing gems truly are, I just knew they were special. While going through some personal transformations and sudden "awakenings" as an adult, I decided to take on the challenge of "self-discovery." Honestly, this is not an easy road, but I will stay on this path for the rest of my life. I began extensive studies in Astrology, natural healing, emotional transformations, and the healing properties of gemstones. As I began to practice meditation I noticed signs, signals, and messages from the Universe. One of the first messages I received was, "There's money on the ground." I have to admit, I was expecting to find money on the ground. I found something much more valuable... Gemstones! I was reunited with my gifted purpose.

I've always been passionate about helping others and have recently become certified as a Master Reiki practitioner. As an energy healer, I've come to terms with my depth of sensitivity. Instead of believing that I was "too sensitive" and needed to "grow some skin," I accepted my qualities as a gift in order to use them toward healing myself and others. Finally, the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to make sense. Once you "let  go" of what you think you are suppose to be doing on this earth, the Universe effortlessly aligns you with your true purpose.

The process of building this website is teaching me more about myself and my personal strengths and weaknesses, than any other individual ever could. It's like seeing my own reflection for the first time. I struggle, I find mistakes, I get discouraged... I am not perfect, and never will be. Then, I hear a little birdie that says, "keep going," ...and that's what I do.

This is my story, true. But the answer to the question, “Why Am I building this website?” is this. ..

When I was growing up it seems, “they” were always trying to teach me how to do things in a different way then what was comfortable for me. This happens to everyone, it’s called “having to grow up.” I believe that finding that natural energy flow that you aquired prior to being “adjusted” to fit in, is the ticket to paradise, with some adjustments of course. This is natural healing.

Gemstones are a natural way to slowly begin the process of restoration and regeneration together as a collective.

I feel the energy of crystal healing and have a personal experience with every gem. I want to share this knowledge with the world. 

I hope to inspire others, to motivate them, to awaken them. I aim to mend the broken pieces that are seen and unseen. I have to help others first, before I can  help myself. This is the contract which I signed before taking form. I understand. I accept. I love.

I am.



Gemstones for self-discovery: Snowflake Obsidian, Rose Quartz

Gemstones for transformation: Labradorite, Amethyst

Gemstones for motivation: Carnelian, Ruby Zoisite